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Kilian sjøl om førstenedkjøringa i Trolltind-massivet

Spanjolen har sett på Fivaruta i to år. Forrige uke var tiden inne. Her er hans egne ord om førstenedkjøringen.

Sist oppdatert: 26. februar 2018 kl 19.00
MED EGNE ORD: Les hva Kilian selv forteller om sin vanvittige førstenedkjøring i Romsdalen. Foto: Kilian Jornet
MED EGNE ORD: Les hva Kilian selv forteller om sin vanvittige førstenedkjøring i Romsdalen. Foto: Kilian Jornet
Lesetid: 2 minutter

Kilian Jornet har sendt denne beskrivelsen av turen sin ned Fivaruta i Romsdal – på engelsk, og prestasjonen er for stor til at vi går for en oversetting. Her er Kilians egne ord – på engelsk: 

Les mer om førstenedkjøringen av en av verdens råeste skilinjer her!

When I moved  to Romsdal a couple of years ago I saw this impressionnant wall. This ski line quickly caught my attention, I started looking into it and checking the conditions and waiting for the best moment to give it a try, as it seemed possible. I know that some great skiers like Andreas Fransson had dreamt of trying it as well as some other skiers from the region.

It’s a very long line, 1.600m of descent so it’s quite complicated to find the good conditions all throughout the line. This is why I’ve been checking it out for 2 years. Last winter I was checking the different conditions and the seasons.

With the snowfalls we had this winter I started to think that it could be possible to try it as it looked all stable. For the past few weeks I was taking pictures of the slope to see how it was each section and I went to climb twice a part of the route to see the conditions. That’s what made me realized that I could give it a try.

The line is so beautiful. You only need to do two rappels in the highest part but the rest you can ski down. Is very attractive because it has a part that is a couloir, another part that is more technical… Because of the lenght the conditions and the snow are different so it gives an extra attraction as it changes a lot while descending it.

Les også: Alt om verdens sprekeste mann, Kilian Jornet

Publisert 26. februar 2018 kl 19.00
Sist oppdatert 26. februar 2018 kl 19.00

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