– Vi er sjokkert over disse ondskapsfulle handlingene, og som alle andre nordmenn ønsker vi intenst at vi kunne gjøre noe for ofrene og de pårørende. Det beste vi kan gjøre er å fortsette å formidle vårt budskap om livsglede og entusiasme, en total kontrast til det menneskefiendtilige vrøvlet til massemorderen, sier Fri Flyts ansvarlige redaktør Erlend Sande.
Terrorsaken som har rammet Norge preger Fri Flyt-miljøet. Støttemeldingene fra norske og utenlandske profiler fra vårt miljø er mange. Dette skriver noen av dem på Twitter:
– The last couple of days Norway has showed everyone that regardless what happens we stay together!! We're showing more love then ever! #LOVE
Silje Norendal, snowboarder
– Feeling for the people of #Norway today. Such a sad day for a fine country and great group of people.
Mike Douglas, skikjører
– Hoping for a better day tomorrow. OSLOVE.
Aksel Lund Svindal, skikjører
– Greatfull that Norwegians take care of each other, we stand united against this evil. i.imgur.com/v6ZqD.jpg
Danny Larsen, snowboarder
– Quote of the night: "Change should only get inspired from love, never from fear..." #OSLOVE #allyouneedislove
Kjersti Buaas, snowboarder
– Today in Norway. No words can describe how terrible it is. How does this world create that? All thoughts with the families and victims.
Kelly Slater, surfer
– Prayers go out to the victims and families in the attacks in Norway.
Grete Eliassen, skikjører
– All out of words, but all thoughts goes to families and friends of todays victims #utøya #Oslo
Helene Olafsen, snowboarder
– My thoughts go out to all the people who's lost and have lost. Terrible day for Norway #Osl<3
PK Hunder, skikjører
– Ta vare på hverandre og hold hodet kaldt, hjertet varmt i dag.
Tacky Norway, brettnettsted
– Devastating news to hear about Norway. How can some people be full of so much hate. Prayers to all the victims and their families :(
Mick Fanning, surfer
– Out og words after waking up to even worse news about #Oslo #Utøya
Roger Hjelmstadstuen, tidligere landslagstrener, snowboard.
– Lots of love to all my fellow Norwegians today.
Linn Haug, snowboarder
– My thoughts are going to all the people that are affected by the bomb attack in Oslo and the shooting at Utøya. It's unbelievable.
Andreas Wiig, snowboarder
– Outcome in Norway was so much worse than I expected -- thinking of all my Norwegian friends and their loved ones.
Nate Abbott, skifotograf
– To the Norwegians out there - both friends and fans alike - we send our love your way. http://fb.me/18sGumiBO
Level 1, skifilmselskap
– Svart dag. Uforståelig, uvirkelig og totalt surrealistisk.
Per Mundhjeld, skikjører
– So unreal and so sad.. All my thoughts to family and friends of the victims. Little Norway and my hometown is in chock. More peace and love!!
Ane Enderud, skikjører
– OMG it's a beautiful night in Colorado and all I can think about are the amazing people of Norway. #Norway
Chris Davenport, skikjører
– Thoughts n prayers go out to Norway...
Louie Vito, snowboarder
Tanner Hall, skikjører
Les også tidligere Fri Flyt-redaktør Anders Waage Nilsens blogginnlegg.