/ Kite

Ny verdensrekord

Bare noen dager etter at Vindkraft-ekspedisjonen satt verdensrekord i skiseiling, har de knust sin egen rekord. Søndag tilbakela Grønlands-krysserne drøyt 440 kilometer. Nå er ekspedisjonen snart i mål.

Sist oppdatert: 19. juli 2005 kl 10.47
Lesetid: 2 minutter

Fra vindkraftekspedisjonen som seiler Grønland på langs, har vi fått denne rapporten:

17 July: Distance 442,7km. Another windpower expedition WORLD RECORD, never to be beaten!

It's unbelievable, but the windpower expedition has beaten their old one-day distance record with 141km!!!!

The wind started out quite light and they used their 9sqm JoJo kites on 90m lines until lunchtime when the wind picked up.They sailed with their 10sqm Beringer skisails the rest of the day as visibility dropped and the wind picked up more and more. The wind went from northerly to westerly, but thanks to the extreme upwind capabilities of the Beringer skisails (Parawings) they stayed on course.

The expedition is now at its endpoint and only the descent is left.Never the less it is expected to be the most dangeous part of the expedition because of crevasses and its steep ice-fall down to Quaanaaq.

In general the guys have been very satisfied with their equipment and especially their kites, skisails, sledges and skies, but the tent beeing the exception(Mountain hardware Trango 4). The ventilation system does not function during heavy snowstorms and snow enters the tent. Fortunately

they did not run into to many storms!

Anyway, they have kited 1677km the last 8 days with 442.7km as the record and an average of 209,6km/day. This is an incredible performance and a record that will stand for a long time.

Publisert 19. juli 2005 kl 10.46
Sist oppdatert 19. juli 2005 kl 10.47

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Fri Flyt utgis av Fri Flyt AS | Postboks 1185 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo

Ansvarlig redaktør og daglig leder: Anne Julie Saue | Redaktør: David Andresen | Journalister: Tore Meirik | Christian Nerdrum | Henning Reinton (magasinansvarlig)

Kommersiell leder: Alexander Hagen