/ Kite

Målet er nådd

Vindkraft-ekspedisjonen har kommet til Qaanaaq. Etter en 21 dagers lang seiltur langs hele innlandsisen, nådde de denne uka målet helt nord på Grønland.

Sist oppdatert: 22. juli 2005 kl 12.51
Lesetid: 1 minutter

Den norske ekspedisjonen var spent på hvordan forholdene ville være i brefallet ned fra innlandsisen. De viste seg å være bedre enn fryktet. Vi har fått følgende rapport fra ekspedisjonen:

After 21 days the expedition arrived their goal and tomorrow morning they will be picked up by boat and transported the last few kilometers out to qaanaaq. The descent were not as dangerous as they feared and they managed it in just one day dragging their sledges on rocks the last kilometer or two.

The expedition used only 21 days starting at sealevel in Narsarsuaq and all the way up to Qaanaaq and is by far the fastest Greenland expedition ever. The expedition writes itself into history by beating the old 24 hour distance record twice, setting the new record at 442.7km and averaging 120km a day from sealevel to sealevel. At their best they averaged 209.6km/day over a period of 8 days.

But more important than anything: They have had the best experience ever , pushing their limits and hopefully inspiring you kiters out there to explore the unexplored. As the expedition arrives back in Norway, more news and pictures will follow.

Publisert 22. juli 2005 kl 12.51
Sist oppdatert 22. juli 2005 kl 12.51

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Fri Flyt utgis av Fri Flyt AS | Postboks 1185 Sentrum, 0107 Oslo

Ansvarlig redaktør og daglig leder: Anne Julie Saue | Redaktør: David Andresen | Journalister: Tore Meirik | Christian Nerdrum | Henning Reinton (magasinansvarlig)

Kommersiell leder: Alexander Hagen